Doctor en Ciencias
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI): 2 (2022-2026)
- Doctor en ciencias
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH). - Maestro en ciencias
UMSNH. - Ingeniero electricista
Eric Sadit Tellez Avila es Investigador por México de CONACyT comisionado a INFOTEC, Doctor en Ciencias por la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México.
Ha sido premiado en tres ocasiones con el premio al mejor artículo en las conferencias SISAP’11, COMIA’15, y SISAP’17. Es revisor de revistas internacionales y ha servido en el comité técnico y organizador de la sesión especial “Visión y lenguage” de ROPEC de 2017 a la fecha, así como perteneciente al Comité de Programa de diferentes congresos y talleres como COMIA, MICAI, ACL, NAACL, EMNLP.
Ha graduado 2 doctores en ciencias y 2 maestros. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel II (2022-2025). Sus líneas de investigación comprenden búsqueda por similitud en espacios métricos, categorización de texto automática e inteligencia computacional.
- Consulta sus publicaciones aquí.
- E. S. Tellez, G. Ruiz, E. Chavez, and M. Graff. Local search methods for fast near neighbor search. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.10351, 2017.
- E. S. Tellez, D. Moctezuma, S. Miranda-Jímenez, and M. Graff. An automated text categorization framework based on hyperparameter optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.01975, 2017.
- E. S. Tellez, S. Miranda-Jiménez, M. Graff, D. Moctezuma, R. R. Suárez, and O. S. Siordia. A simple approach to multilingual polarity classification in twitter. Pattern Recognition Letters, 94:68–74, 2017.
- E. S. Tellez, S. Miranda-Jiménez, M. Graff, D. Moctezuma, O. S. Siordia, and E. A. Villaseñor. A case study of spanish text transformations for twitter sentiment analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 81:457–471, 2017.
- E. S. Tellez, S. Miranda-Jiménez, M. Graff, and D. Moctezuma. Gender and language variety identification with microtc. PAN 2017, CLEF (Working Notes), 2017.
- J. Ortiz-Bejar, E. S. Tellez, M. Graff, S. Miranda-Jiménez, J. Ortiz-Bejar, D. Moctezuma, and C. N. Sánchez. I3go+ at ricatim 2017: A semi-supervised approach to determine the relevance between images and text-annotations. In Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2017 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on, 2017.
- D. Moctezuma, M. Graff, S. Miranda-Jiménez, E. S. Tellez, A. Coronado, C. N. Sánchez, and J. Ortiz-Bejar. A genetic programming approach to sentiment analysis for twitter: Tass’ 17. In Proceedings of TASS 2017: Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN co-located with 33nd SEPLN Conference (SEPLN 2017), volume 1896, 2017.
- S. Miranda-Jiménez, M. Graff, E. S. Tellez, and D. Moctezuma. Ingeotec at semeval 2017 task 4: A b4msa ensemble based on genetic programming for twitter sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), pages 771–776, 2017.
- A. Hoyos, U. Ruiz, E. Tellez, and E. Chavez. Self-indexed motion planning. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 220–233. Springer, Cham, 2017.
- M. Graff, E. S. Tellez, H. J. Escalante, and S. Miranda-Jiménez. Semantic genetic programming for sentiment analysis. In NEO 2015, pages 43–65. Springer, Cham, 2017.
- E. Tellez, G. Ruiz, and E. Chavez. Singleton indexes for nearest neighbor search. Information Systems, 60:50–68, 2016.
- D. Moctezuma, E. S. Tellez, M. Graff, and S. Miranda-Jiménez. On the performance of b4msa on sentipolc’16. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume 1749. Sun SITE Central Europe, 2016.
- M. Graff, E. S. Tellez, S. Miranda-Jiménez, and H. J. Escalante. Evodag: A semantic genetic programming python library. In Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2016 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2016.
- M. Graff, H. J. Escalante, F. Ornelas-Tellez, and E. S. Tellez. Time series forecasting with genetic programming. Natural Computing, pages 1–10, 2016.
- O. S. Siordia, D. Moctezuma, M. Graff, S. Miranda-Jimenez, E. S. Téllez, and E.Villaseñor. Sentiment analysis for twitter: Tass 2015. In TASS-SEPLN, pages 65–70, 2015.
- G. Ruiz, E. Chávez, M. Graff, and E. S. Téllez. Finding near neighbors through local search. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 103–109. Springer, Cham, 2015.
- S. Hernández, S. Miranda-Jiménez, E. Villaseñor, E. S. Tellez, and M. Graff. Minería de opinión en blogs financieros para la predicción de tendencias en mercados bursátiles. Research in Computing Science, 92:101–109, 2015.
- M. Graff, E. S. Tellez, E. Villasenor, and S. Miranda-Jiménez. Semantic genetic programming operators based on projections in the phenotype space. Research in Computing Science, 94:73–85, 2015.
- M. Graff, E. S. Tellez, H. J. Escalante, and J. Ortiz-Bejar. Memetic genetic programming based on orthogonal projections in the phenotype space. In Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2015 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2015.
- M. Gradd and E. S. Téllez. Programación genética en problemas multidimensionales. 10. Aprendizaje de Modelos Difusos para Predicción de Series de Tiempo, page 27, 2015.
- E. Chavez, U. Ruiz, and E. Tellez. Cda: Succinct spaghetti. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 54–64. Springer, Cham, 2015.
- E. Chávez, M. Graff, G. Navarro, and E. S. Téllez. Near neighbor searching with k nearest references. Information Systems, 51:43–61, 2015.
- E. S. Téllez, E. Chávez, and J. O. Bejar. Scalable proximity indexing with the list of clusters. In Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2014 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2014.
- F. Santoyo, E. Chávez, and E. S. Téllez. A compressed index for hamming distances. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 113–126. Springer, Cham, 2014.
- E. S. Tellez, E. Chavez, and G. Navarro. Succinct nearest neighbor search. Information Systems, 38(7):1019–1030, 2013.
- F. Santoyo, E. Chavez, and E. S. Tellez. Compressing locality sensitive hashing tables. In Computer Science (ENC), 2013 Mexican International Conference on, pages 41–46. IEEE, 2013.
- G. Ruiz, F. Santoyo, E. Chávez, K. Figueroa, and E. S. Tellez. Extreme pivots for faster metric indexes. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 115–126. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
- G. Ruiz, E. Chavez, and E. S. Tellez. Towards self-indexing relational databases. In Computer Science (ENC), 2013 Mexican International Conference on, pages 20–27. IEEE, 2013.
- E. S. Tellez, E. Chavez, and K. Figueroa. Polyphasic metric index: Reaching the practical limits of proximity searching. In International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, pages 54–69. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
- E. S. Tellez and E. Chávez. The list of clusters revisited. In Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 187–196. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
- E. S. Tellez, E. Chavez, and M. Graff. Scalable pattern search analysis. In Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 75–84. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.
- E. S. Tellez and E. Chavez. On locality sensitive hashing in metric spaces. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on SImilarity Search and APplications, pages 67–74. ACM, 2010.
- C. B. Lizárraga and E. S. Tellez. Operators over compressed integer encodings. In Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), 2010 XXIX International Conference of the, pages 290–297. IEEE, 2010.
- E. Chávez and E. S. Tellez. Navigating k-nearest neighbor graphs to solve nearest neighbor searches. In Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 270–280. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
- E. S. Téllez, E. Chávez, and A. Camarena-Ibarrola. A brief index for proximity searching. In Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, pages 529–536. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
- A. Camarena-Ibarrola, E. Chávez, and E. S. Tellez. Robust radio broadcast monitoring using a multi-band spectral entropy signature. In Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, pages 587–594. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
- E. S. Téllez, J. Ortiz, and M. Graff. Pgsync: A multiple-reader/single-writer table replication tool for high loaded distributed relational sql databases. In Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, 2007. CERMA 2007, pages 735–739. IEEE, 2007.
- E. S. Tellez, E. Chávez, and J. Contreras-Castillo. Spyro: Simple python remote objects. In Fourth Latin American Web Congress (LA-Web 2006), 25-27 October 2006, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, pages 39–46, 2006.
- E. S. Téllez, E. Chávez, and J. Contreras-Castillo. Spyro: Simple python remote objects. In Web Congress, 2006. LA-Web’06. Fourth Latin American, pages 39–46. IEEE, 2006.
- E. Chavez and E. S. Téllez. A universal full text index with access control and annotation driven information retrieval. In Computing, 2006. CIC’06. 15th International Conference on, pages 135–140. IEEE, 2006.